How do we support high-quality early learning experiences?
Since 2018, Advancing Effective Interactions and Instruction (AEII) has helped equip Virginia's early childhood programs with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to prepare each child for a great start in school. Our resources support program leaders and teachers to promote positive teacher-child interactions and equitable social-emotional teaching practices.

Social-Emotional Crosswalk
AEII developed the SEL Crosswalk to demonstrate how the social and emotional learning (SEL) topics and teaching practices in CASTL’s ECE Resource Hub align with the CLASS® tool.
The VECC Program
The Virginia Early Childhood Consultation (VECC) program is a new service funded by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) as part of VQB5. VECC utilizes AEII resources and builds upon AEII’s previous work with programs. VECC provides coaching services to early childhood programs with a “Needs Support” rating, plus webinars for all VQB5 leaders and teachers, to promote quality teacher-child interactions and social-emotional environments.

We value the significance of equitable early learning experiences for all children. AEII partners with the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) to provide high-quality professional development resources to Virginia’s birth-to-five programs.

In previous years, AEII provided coaching and consultation to Virginia’s birth-to-five teachers and leaders to strengthen their social-emotional teaching practices and teacher-child interactions. Now, AEII serves ECE programs through providing free resources for professional development.

Tools and instructional resources to support teachers’ professional development and intentional teaching practices.