
Our webinars get you the information you need to improve quality in the classroom and keep up to date about state initiatives.

Upcoming Webinars

Check here for upcoming webinars in 2024 and 2025!

Past Webinars

May 2023

Supporting Children's Strong Emotions

September 2022

Social-Emotional Supports Across VA

October 2020

Introduction to the Initiative

Curriculum Webinars

Related to vetted Virginia Early Childhood Education curricula

Quality Improvement Webinars

Related to improving Early Childhood Education

EC Coordinator Meeting header

MAY 2020

Practice Focused PLCs

EC Coordinator Meeting header

MAY 2020

Practice Focused Coaching

EC Coordinator Meeting header

MAY 2020

Practice Focused Training Workshops

post-it notes and notebook on yellow background


Know, See, Do Action Planning

VPI for 30 text overlays image of edge of computer laptop as seen from above on solid blue background


Big Questions, Part 2

post-it notes and notebook on yellow background


AEII Effective Feedback

State Initiative Webinars

Related to updates for the state of Virginia
wooden desk with keyboard, pen, and notebook showing


Best Practices for Local CLASS Observations Guidebook

wooden desk with keyboard, pen, and notebook showing


Early Childhood Updates

wooden desk with keyboard, pen, and notebook showing


State Early Childhood Updates

Zoom Set-Up Keyboard

Connecting to Zoom

Our webinars use Zoom video conferencing. If you’ve never used Zoom before, follow the instructions via the link below to download the software and run it. In the past, divisions have run into firewall issues using Zoom, so we recommend testing it with plenty of time before the webinar to make sure it will work.

Please also see the document we’ve created with instructions just for you!