Facilitating Data Use

AEII works with early childhood leadership to support their interpretation of observational data and how to best use it.

Teachers and principal reviewing data together.

How can we use classroom observation data to provide meaningful feedback? And, how do we translate those data along with data from other sources into professional development that is integrated, targeted, and individualized?

AEII provides a range of resources and consultation services to help early childhood leadership take advantage of the observation data collected in each birth-to-five classroom, allowing them to better support teachers in their work.

AEII also works with education leaders to consider how other data sources, such as child outcome data or curriculum implementation fidelity data, can be used together to provide a more comprehensive picture of a classroom and its needs.

Using Observational Data to Provide Feedback to Teachers

Helping teachers understand what is working well in their classroom, as well as where there is room for improvement, is a key first step in the professional development process. The AEII initiative provides a range of resources that help leaders, coaches, or other feedback providers provide meaningful, actionable feedback to their teachers.

Using Observational Data to Plan Effective Professional Development

AEII supports leadership teams to plan effective, data-driven professional development. A series of one-on-one and small group consultation meetings, as well as targeted PD resources, help programs consider their specific needs and targeted professional development goals.

AEII provides guidance on the types of instructional strategies that best support children’s school readiness skills, as well as how different strategies align with the various CLASS® dimensions. This approach helps leaders create PD plans that are intentional, focused, and data-driven.

Tools and Resources Quick Links

For Providing Feedback

Ways to provide CLASS® observation feedback that supports teacher engagement and reflection.

Know, See, Do: PD Planning

A useful series of action planning guides that help connect data to targeted professional development options.

Related Webinars

Check out our AEII webinar sessions focused on the CLASS® feedback process and professional development planning.