What We Know So Far
Virginia uses the CLASS® tool, a standardized, research-based observation protocol, to measure the quality of teacher-child interactions in early childhood programs. These observations help inform how AEII and our partners across the Commonwealth can work together to strengthen early learning experiences for all children.

The Data
Each year the VDOE shares publicly available CLASS® data averages, compiled and organized by age level. These annual averages allow for reviewing changes year-to-year in the quality of teacher-child interactions across the state.
Supporting Professional Development
A focus on high-quality professional development makes a difference
The initial data captured in Virginia’s early childhood classrooms indicated a need for a broad and comprehensive strategy that improves interactions and instruction. Our strategy focuses on teacher-child interactions by providing free, data-driven professional development resources to early childhood educators. This way, Virginia’s investments can maximize positive benefits for teachers and children across the Commonwealth.
What We Learned
Read about AEII’s work in Virginia dating back to 2020, including supporting CLASS® observations and providing individualized professional development.
How We Continue to Support Quality ECE
See the resources AEII provides to support intentional teaching practices and high-quality teacher-child interactions.